Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sleep is for the Weak: the good, the bad, and the ugly!

THE GOOD: I received my copy yesterday in the mail. As you know, I have a blog, and I like to occasionally read other people's blogs, but I've never been an avid follower of any one particular blog. But this book..... I have to say..... I LOVE IT! I'm only halfway through, and will probably be done by tonight. I laughed, I cried, cracked-up, and cried some more! Everything that I ever felt, but never really knew how to say, has been written (for me!), thank God I wasn't the only one thinking and feeling that way, and no longer have to question my sanity ; )

THE BAD: I skipped doing my homework last night because I couldn't put the book down.


THE UGLY: I have since developed a sudden state of writer's block because everything that I ever wanted to write about, has been written. So, now, how do I go on with my blog, without looking like a plagiarizer (is that even a word?)

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