Friday, September 12, 2008

Sneaking in some quality time

It's been three weeks now since wonder boy started school, and four weeks since I've been back to work. His swimming lessons re-started this week, and my two online courses started last week. Our routine's still pretty hectic, and I'm STILL feeling guilty about certain things (like sending him to preschool 6 hours a day - everyday! And sending my baby boy to my parents house an hour earlier so that hubby can take him) but I guess that'll never really ever go away. For now, I can almost say that I'm finally getting the hang of things. And him, finally getting used to being in school.

So just to change up a bit of our mundane morning schedule, I wanted to treat my wonder boy to a little surprise. We quickly got dressed and ready to go, so by the time we were out the door, we still had a good 30 minutes to spare.

Our destination: The Golden Arches!

Nothing like quality time over a nice warm hashbrown for breakfast! Plus, he thinks it's an EXTRA special treat to actually go inside to eat (vs. the drive thru). So without making it a routine (because I have enough of those!), I think I might make this a somewhat tradition, because - despite the sticky floor and who-knows-what-is-stuck under those tables - a nice and quiet one on one time is just priceless.

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