Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday's Humor

So last Wednesday, I picked up coffee from my favorite Caffino drive-thru on the way to drop off Lawrence. Before we got to the drive-up window, he asked if he can have a drink like the one his daddy got. Apparently, hubby bought him a child's cocoa drink last week.

So, instead of just saying NO to him, I had to tell him that I couldn't get him a drink because I only had enough money for one coffee since I spent the rest of my money yesterday picking up his school supplies. (He always needs an explanation so I'm so used to giving him the white lies, which later on comes back to haunt me!)

So then this morning, I was in dire need of a caffeine boost again, so I decided to drive by Caffino once again, and this time, they had new pictures of their new drinks/smoothies right before the drive up window.

wonder boy said: "ooooohhhh, I'm going to get that drink!"

I said: "Oh no honey, you're going to school right now, and you can't bring
your drink there"

So he said: "Oh no mommy, I'm going to get that drink next time with daddy
- he has lots of money!"

Just had to share that, Happy Friday!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wonder Baby ready to crawl

OMG! He took a couple of crawling steps, then hit the carpet with his face! I can't believe how fast things are going. My baby is ready to crawl!

So I thought I'd add this last picture with the not-so-cute dinosaur toy just to show that I've noticed lately that at almost seven months old, he already would rather play with his big brother's toys than his own's!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 3

of our new routine and I am ready to crack!

So yesterday I posted my venting blog. Besides my earlier issues, I think I am too worried about too many things all the time. I always hear people say that motherhood is a full time job. Hm, a full time job (usually) requires 40 hours a week. Being mommy requires all day, all night, and then some.

Just to give a little insight of my day, the typical day starts and ends like this:

6:00 - wonder baby wakes up waaaaaayyyyy too early than I want him to, and because the master's bedroom is now a family room, wonder boy is in there too, therefore, gets awaken by the baby cooos.

6:30 - jump in the shower (yey! alone time at last!), and get semi-ready

7:00 - wonder boy watching TV, wonder baby rolling on the floor, and me making or thinking what's to eat for breakfast

7:15 - 7:30 - hubby leaves for work, and on W, Th, F, takes wonder baby to my parents house.

7:30 - 8:15 - finish getting ready, eating breakfast, on M & T mom-in-law comes over to watch the baby

8:20 - leave the house to take wonder boy to school, then drive to work (sigh! morning rush is finally through)... driving time is usually spent catching up on the phone with my bff so we can gossip and vent about the previous days' events

9:00 - 1:00 - WORK.... believe it or not, it is my sanctuary - away from the crazy, busy, madness

1:00 - W, Th, F - drive to pick up the baby from my parents' house

1:30 - 2:30 - an hour to drive, run a quick errand, then pick up wonder boy from school

2:30ish - arrive at home, usually with 2 cranky boys who are either hungry/sleepy or both

3:00 - 5:00 - boys finally get out of their crankiness, i tickle a kili-kili or two, play little piggies, and roll on the floor with my babies. Maybe i can relax a bit, oh wait, now it's time to cook dinner, do the dishes, and maybe because i'm so ambitious, throw in a load (or two) of laundry since the boys room is just about ready to throw up with clothes that either need to get sorted, folded, washed, put away, or boxed!

5:00 - 6ish - eat my dinner while tending to either of the boys in between bites. Usually consists of sounds of either crying or whining or my yelling or mommy this and mommy that.

6:30ish - hubby arrives home from work, and maybe, just maybe i can find a little time to just be alone while i get ready to work out.

Oh yeah, i forgot, "alone" is not a word that i recognize at home, because everywhere i go, even the bathroom, i get stalked (because momma's boy number one will realize that i suddenly disappeared out of his peripheral view, and looks for me in our not-so-big house as if i ditched him in purpose. So as if we were playing hide and go seek, he happily seeks me in the bathroom and asks me if i need help with the toilet paper - - at least he's helpful!)

7:00 - 8ish - out to my kickboxing class! finally! no thinking allowed here - just kicking and punching (and i'd like to keep it that way)

8:00 - 9:30 - another RUSH of madness as the boys are fed, showered, & put to bed.

9:30 - 11:00 - maybe now i can relax, oh wait, i still have dishes to do, lunch box/back pack/diaper bag to pack, and milk bottles to make and just after i'm done with that, i have to put in about an hour of work running a report and checking emails

11:00 - by this time, I am waaaay too tired to even relax, or speak to my husband, i head off to bed, but not to sleep right away because by this time, i start worrying about tomorrow, and how i can fit even more stuff

*****like the bills i have to pay, the checking account that i need to balance, the never ending story of laundry, vacuuming, and mopping, the invitations that i volunteered to make, the package that i promised to send, the haircut/pedicure/waxing that i will probably never get done because, that alone, requires special planning and strategy....the swimming lessons that's about to restart in two weeks, the online course that i signed up for, which is about to start next week...the leaky tire on my car, which by the way needs an oil change and a tune up...oh yeah, i probably also have to go on ebay too to pick up some more formula for the baby, which by the way, i forgot to check the pantry how many more cans are left!*****

on my already full day...... and tomorrow, it starts all over again!

But before it starts all over again, i get awakened by the baby waiting for feeding or patting or just cuddling about 3 to 4 times a night, so really, by the time i really really fall asleep, and fall asleep again in between the times i wake up 3 or 4 times, i probably guestimately sleep an average of 5 hours a night.

Like i said, i am exhausted and ready to crack. BUT right when i'm just about to cry and blow-up.... i look at these two and every feeling of sadness, madness & exhaustion disappears. Because my heart gets filled with love and joy. And right there and then i realize that i do the things that i do, not out of obligation, nor duty. With a blink of an eye, i have become the mother i never thought i could possibly be...the one who learns, loves, and gives, and asks for nothing in return. This, afterall, is what being mommy is all about - it is a learning experience, love beyond measure and imagination, overwhelming, extra-ordinary, and most of all, unconditional.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just venting

Is it just me or does every other mom out there feel like their weekdays are just filled with never-ending to-do lists???? I try to get as organized as i possibly can to keep my sanity, for instance, last Thursday, I created this week's daily menu to avoid having to think about what to eat and what to serve every single day. I went grocery shopping over the weekend and checked off everything I need on my list.

Then Monday came, school started, and already, at 3.5 yrs old, wonder boy has homework! Ok, so it's not like math or science, but it's a "Me Doll" that needs to be turned in on Thursday or Friday! To top it off, tomorrow is a "cookie" social so he needs to bring, get this, ONE cookie!!!! So it's not like I'm going to go out of my way and bake my oh-so-special homemade chocolate chip cookies so that he can bring just ONE! But that only means that we have to stop off the supermarket before school so we can pick up his ONE cookie.

Oh yeah, and then, tomorrow evening, they're having an "ice cream social" for parents and teachers and classmates to get to know each other! wth???? isn't that what Back 2 School Nights are for? Don't get me wrong, I plan on being heavily involved with my children's education and activities, and maybe even one day, be brave enough (or crazy enough) to volunteer as a room parent, but c'mon, this is preschool AND this is just the first week of school! Can't we just adjust to all of this first?

. . .

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back 2 WORK!

My life, as I have known it, for the past 7 months or so, has abruptly changed! I am now back to work, started back last Friday. Why Friday? Because I wanted to get that work feeling over with and have my weekend to do my reality check, and get back to work a little bit easier by Monday. And it worked!

But the night before I came back, I was sad, and anxious, and just in disbelief! I've been off of work since the 3rd week of December, and returning the second time around (I left for the same amount of time when Lawrence was born) is even harder because now, I have two little needy boys to leave behind. It almost felt as if I was breaking up with my "home-maker" self, who, bakes muffins for breakfast, and who walks her kids to the park twice a week, and who really, truly enjoys just doing absolutely nothing but play little piggies with my babies!

And now this, work!

Friday came, and the weekend, and the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and now, I'm soooo glad to be back! lol! Besides my whole eye dilemma (I'll make a separate post for this), I can't believe how relaxed I am here, it's like being at a spa, away from the kids! Plus, I am loving my new and improved 9am - 1pm schedule. the day is going by so fast. And because i've been doing the same (boring) thing that I do, everything came back to me as if I never even left! I love work, and my coworkers aren't bad at all, they're like my second family. And as you can see, even with my shortened, part-time hours, I still have the time to blog, and surf, and shop, etc.

. . .

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A promise to blog

Ok so I decided to ditch my old blogsite as everytime I tried to start a new blog , I was not motivated enough to continue what I had started. I really really really need to keep up with the writing, not only for my own personal outlet, but I really really really need to start journaling my childrens milestones.