Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Bad dream

For the first time ever (i think), Wonder Boy had a nightmare.

him: mommy, I dream that there were monsters in our house

me: what kind of monsters?

him: ummmm, green and blue and white and red and white monsters

me: wow! that's a colorful monster bunch

him: yeah

me: so what did the monsters do?

him: they laughed with scary monster laugh

me: oh?

him: yeah, like BWAHAHAHAHA

me: that is scary

him: I don't want to go to sleep ever again.... i don't want to dream monsters again mommy!

me: oh honey, it just so happened that I forgot to tell you "sweet dreams" last night

him: did you tell me "bad dreams"?

me: no, nobody says have a bad dream!

him: ok, next time I sleep don't forget to tell me sweet dreams... k

me: ok

Keeping my fingers crossed that the "sweet dreams" bid works for a while. Because I don't know what I'd say to him the next time he has a nightmare and refuses to go to sleep!

. . .