I have to fess up - I have been partially ignoring my blog lately because I have been busy croppin and shoppin for my renewed love for scrapbooking! It's good and bad I guess. Good because I love the art therapy, and even more, the finished product. Bad, because I haven't done much chores around the house lately because the only free time I get - usually when the boys are asleep - I spend cropping. Plus, I've been to Michael's twice this week and to JoAnn's twice as well. With that said, time and money = happy sane me!
So just to catch up with what's been going on in my life lately, I'm going to (shame on me) do bullets:
- Wonder boy is writing his letters really well, his whole name almost legible and most importantly did not cry or fuss during morning drop-off's to preschool ALL WEEK LONG. I think we've solved the problem, and Houston, we are coming home!
- Wonder Baby is being more active than ever. Fearless, independent, brave child of mine, who this week alone, must've fallen on his butt, face, and body a million times, and that hasn't stopped him. He's even tried climbing our stairs (successfully reached second step up), so I had to put the gate back up.
- I have skipped kickboxing ALL WEEK LONG and feel really guilty, and even worse - BLOATED!
- I have a load of recorded shows on my dvr because I have spent my evenings ditching my husband to go upstairs and play with my scraps. So I'm hoping to catch up on tv watching this weekend.
- My list of projects, ideas, and to do list are just getting longer and longer and I'm afraid that I'm in over my head, but what the heck, at least I have a list!
Maybe it's old age, or maybe it's just me, but it seems like the days are shorter and the weeks are flying by with a blink of an eye.
Oh well, at least it's Friday!
. . .
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