Since it's Halloween and all!
Wonder Boy managed to obtain his FIRST major BOO-BOO this past weekend! By "major" I mean, bloody boo boo dripping all over the carpet, through the hallway, and into the bathroom. He was out in the garage watching (admiring) his daddy work on his mechanical monsters, when he decided to put something in my car (coins I think), and afterwards, shut the door on his finger - ouch!
I was putting the baby to nap when I heard frantic hubby and sobbing son in the bathroom. He cried and cried and cried....
Wonder Boy managed to obtain his FIRST major BOO-BOO this past weekend! By "major" I mean, bloody boo boo dripping all over the carpet, through the hallway, and into the bathroom. He was out in the garage watching (admiring) his daddy work on his mechanical monsters, when he decided to put something in my car (coins I think), and afterwards, shut the door on his finger - ouch!
I was putting the baby to nap when I heard frantic hubby and sobbing son in the bathroom. He cried and cried and cried....
Me: Honey, so tell mommy what happened?
Him: [crying] I don't
know....I.... I ..... I..... I can't think RIGHT NOW [crying louder]
more small talk to try to calm him down.... blah blah blah
Him: [still crying] mommy, it HURTS, I....I......I..... I don't know
what to do with
It's painful to watch him hurt, but the words coming out of his mouth were
almost too hilarious that I had to hide my chuckle!
almost too hilarious that I had to hide my chuckle!
So it turns out that the "normal" order for teeth growth starts with the two bottom, then the two top, then the next two bottom, and the next two top.Wonder baby had been teething for as long as I can remember. He's always been a drooly baby who always wants to chew on stuff! But the first signs of teeth breaking in didn't come until just a few weeks ago. And boy are they coming!
But get this, right now, he's got 3 bottom out, 4th one almost out. Then totally skipped the 2 front teeth, and went on with the 3rd ond 4th. Lookie:

Just in time for Halloween!
So for now, I am calling him "FANGS"!
. . .
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