Sunday, August 24, 2008

Back 2 WORK!

My life, as I have known it, for the past 7 months or so, has abruptly changed! I am now back to work, started back last Friday. Why Friday? Because I wanted to get that work feeling over with and have my weekend to do my reality check, and get back to work a little bit easier by Monday. And it worked!

But the night before I came back, I was sad, and anxious, and just in disbelief! I've been off of work since the 3rd week of December, and returning the second time around (I left for the same amount of time when Lawrence was born) is even harder because now, I have two little needy boys to leave behind. It almost felt as if I was breaking up with my "home-maker" self, who, bakes muffins for breakfast, and who walks her kids to the park twice a week, and who really, truly enjoys just doing absolutely nothing but play little piggies with my babies!

And now this, work!

Friday came, and the weekend, and the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and now, I'm soooo glad to be back! lol! Besides my whole eye dilemma (I'll make a separate post for this), I can't believe how relaxed I am here, it's like being at a spa, away from the kids! Plus, I am loving my new and improved 9am - 1pm schedule. the day is going by so fast. And because i've been doing the same (boring) thing that I do, everything came back to me as if I never even left! I love work, and my coworkers aren't bad at all, they're like my second family. And as you can see, even with my shortened, part-time hours, I still have the time to blog, and surf, and shop, etc.

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